
Don’t follow the herd

Starting a new year is always a happy and at times a sad event.   I love it!   When I get up every day I greet the world in gratitude and love the fact that every day we can start again.  In January we get to leave the last year behind and start a new year, with compassion and strength.  

We come back from our holidays refreshed and excited and depending on which part of the world we’re from.  If you’re in Australia, you would still have the remnants of a tan, that starts to fade as we get back into our daily routines.

Things are changing in our world exceptionally fast, and that doesn’t always mean for the better.  One day you can be the toast of the town, the next day you could be on the outer for some small thing that you’ve said that someone disagreed with, a Facebook page you liked that others saw as not fitting with their ‘norm’ for you, a new direction you wanted to take in your business that people ‘just don’t get’, or even setting some physical, emotional or spiritual boundaries, and you get push back from those who want you to stay the same.

As you did last year, so you are doing this year, the same ‘ol, same ol’ mantra.   If you feel a stirring in your soul, an unrest in your spirit, or just a feeling that this year ‘has’ to be better than last year, then its time to stop following the herd and breakout, to live your truth.

Change is good when its a necessary step of personal and professional development.  Probably some of the hardest lessons we’ll ever learn in life and business are where we shake off the old ways, and start a new way of thinking that challenges your own ‘norm’.  Thoughts and behaviour patterns that no longer work for us.

We have all been given God-given talents and abilities which may not be ‘popular’ for what the pop culture, social media quick-win, smash and grab Instagram, self-help gurus say.  Isn’t that what critical thinking is all about, taking time to consider how YOU feel about something.  The ability to think outside the box, think creatively, abstractly, differently.  The ability to think for yourself whilst acknowledging the thoughts and behaviours of the world around us, but not necessarily having to subscribe to it.

We owe it to the world to say the things that are necessary to challenge societal norms, in critical thought and behaviour, rather than be swept up in becoming a cliche’d Instabrand, or Facebook Folly.

If you disagree with an idea that comes your way today, don’t just follow the herd, and nod your agreement or ah-ha that moment away.  Think about it, digest it, have an opinion (with respect, not a soapbox) and offer the world a different perspective.  You may be pleasantly surprised at how many people are waiting to have an open and honest conversation.

So today, don’t follow the herd.  Be Bold, be brave, have compassion, find your strength and speak up! Get in touch with Donna for Leadership Training in Perth.

Donna Bates

Donna is a Strategic Planning Consultant, whose talents have been refined over 25+ year corporate career.

She is an Award-winning, Business & Marketing Growth Strategist who specialises in consulting with company's going through growth, change & upheaval.

Being a “legacy leader” she has mentored talented people across a wide spectrum of industries globally, helping them to grow & pivot their businesses, to stay relevant & profitable.

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